My blog's new theme

April 12, 2012

It has been weeks since I wrote my last entry in here. I’m just currently preoccupied with other stuff aside from blogging. I’m actually busy with this online gig for weeks now that I don’t have enough time to update this blog. Well, anyway, a few days ago, since I did have a lot of spare time, I decided to create a new header for this blog and here it is. 

After using my previous header for like a year now, I just decided to change it and change the background color of this theme. Since it’s 2012 already, I just really wanted a new look for my personal blog. So this is now my newly-tweaked theme. *lol*

As what you can see, the color is still a pink shade. Obviously, I just can’t let go of this shade, so girly and I just so love it, so please bear with me. *LMAO*

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